The last command Jesus gave before he ascended to be with the Father was … “make disciples of all nations.” A better, albeit more awkward translation is, “disciple-ize the nations.” Do this by baptizing people into this Trinitarian life I’ve opened up for you, and teach the nations all that I’ve commanded you- tease that out so that all things come under my Lordship. Obviously, a huge order- but our marching orders, nonetheless. We’re growing in this, but we do our part in these ways:



Children’s Christian Formation through age appropriate learning experiences, Vacation Bible School, and typically lots of fun.


Youth Group Christian Formation and Catechism/Confirmation classes grounding helping them to own the faith through Bible study, Mission trips and various service projects.

Adult Christian Formation
Bible classes, Topical classes, Periodic Seminars, the Alpha Course, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course, FPC Discovery Course: Believing, Being and Belonging, Life Groups.