Pastor Dave takes us through the end of Philippians' 2nd chapter - a look at what it means to have trusted friends in Christ, to be united in one body, and what it means to be collaborators for the sake of the Gospel.
Pastor Andy hits on the nature of what it means to carry the Light of the Gospel of Jesus into our daily lives - allowing our good works and faithful heart to shine a light for all to see and to seek Christ!
Pastor Andy continues to take us through Philippians, encouraging us to rethink what it means to suffer in light of the Good News and perfect example of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Andy begins a new series on Paul's letter to the church in Philippi - focusing on the message that Jesus Christ is the source and perfect example of joy in our life together.
Elder Barb Page walks us through the covenant promises of God and the Lord's desire for joyful, voluntary giving: to the glory of God and the good of the people. How do we respond to this invitation?
Pastor Andy preaches from Judges 8 - depicting the successes and mortal failures of Gideon's final chapter. How do we learn from Gideon's mistakes and end well in obedience to the Lord?
Pastor Dave shares the story from Judges 7 when Gideon must obey God by reducing his army to a tiny fraction before defeating his enemies without ever drawing his sword!
Pastor Andy tells us of God's call on Gideon's life and reveals the need for us to examine where our own lives hide idols which need to be torn down.
Pastor Dave brings us the Word of God - sometimes smashing our idols and expectations, but always bringing salvation!
Andy takes us through the third chapter of Judges and God's plan for revival being revealed and unfolded across history and the arc of scripture.
This passage serves as a template, a pattern for the rest of the book of Judges. God's kindness and longsuffering in light of his people's spiritual adultery.