We liv in two kingdoms- on that is coming, and one that is fading. Sometimes they overlap, and often times they don't. How are Christians to live in this tension?
Beginning with Romans ch. 12 and continuing through chapter 16, Paul gives us the 'now what' part of his magnum opus. What are the consequences for our lives as Christians, given all the gospel truth in the previous 11 chapters.
Peter Scarborough shares six elements of revival:
1) Confess and Repent: 1 John 1:9; Acts 3:19
2) Forgive: Mark 11:25-26
3) Seek His Face: Hunger, Prayer and Fasting
4) Obedience: John 14:26
5) Testify: Luke 12:8
6) Unity in Love: John 13:34-35
God's ways are not our ways. His mercy is powerful, and his ways are inscrutable.
DId God's promises fail Israel? Can his word and ways be trusted? Has he rejected his OT people? These are questions Paul is answering in Romans 9-11. Listen in as we discuss the the faithful- by grace- remnant, and what a hardened heart looks like.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news!
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!
The children of promise, are Abraham's children by faith... not blood.
God's sovereign purposes in the lives of His saints will not be thwarted...
Glory emerges from suffering.
God's good news to us is that we've moved from slaves of sin, to son's and daughters of God. Heirs with Christ!
Listen in on the reports Andy and Hannah give on their time in Africa and India.
No condemnation, now I dread. Jesus and all in him is mine... these words of that great Wesley hymn are taken from this chapter... listen in as our Youth Director, David McConnell-Booher brings the sermon